Tuesday, February 16, 2010


snow, snow, snow, that is all I heard about around the house this week. Everyone was asking when is it going to snow. Bullen and Andrew wanted it to snow so bad. I didn't think that it was going to snow because the weather people got me before when they said it was going to snow and it didn't. When it actually began to snow I was more shocked than anyone. Bullen and I went across the street to a neighbor's house and watched their daughter make a snowman. This soon turned into making snow angels and a snowball fight between Bullen and me back at the ThreeSixty house. Throwing snow balls at Bullen and La La was a lot of fun.

I went home over the weekend and came back with a twisted ankle that happened as a played flag football in the snow. I am now walking around with a limp.

Have a great week


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